<!DOCTYPE stack PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD stack V 2.0//EN" "" >
<cantModify><false /></cantModify>
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<script>All externals in this stack are free for unlimited non-commercial use with mention of the author's name and copyright.Commercial use must be licensed and acknowledged.© F. Rinaldi, 1989-92AppleLink: RINALDI1CalvaCom: FR10CIS: 71170,2111---on openStackif siBu()then exit openStackdHK trueend openstackon suspendStackdHK falseend suspendStackon resumeStackdHK trueend resumeStackon closeStackif siBu()then exit closeStackdHK falseif (freesize of this stack)>15000then answer "I need a squeeze."&RETURN&¬"Take whatever action you feel appropriate."¬with "Close" or "Compact"if (it="Close") then domenu "compact stack"end closeStackon dHK xglobal tLstif x thenif (CardTop()=0) then hide menubarget (cd fld id 1 of cd 1)elseshow menuBarget ""end ifput it into tLstend dHKon deletecardglobal tLstget (number of this cd)delete line it of cd fld 1 of cd 1delete line it of tLstend deletecardon newcardglobal tLstput (number of this cd) into zget (short name of this cd)if ("card id " is in it)then get ("Card"&&z)get (it&return)put it before line z of cd fld id 1 of cd 1put it before line z of tLstend newcardfunction siBureturn not (name of this stack is the name of me)end siBu----function tCd ywmcglobal tLstreturn listselect("1#",tLst,"s="&y,"Pick a card…","geneva,9","175,15,337,325")end tCdon tginfo bNsvcf 5,bNsvcb 9,bNend tginfoon tghelp bNsvcf 10,bNsvcb 11,bNend tghelpon tgpix bNsvcb 6,bNsvcb 7,bNsvcb 8,bNsvcb 13,bNsvcf 14,bNset showpict of this cd to bNend tgpixfunction CardTop Whatif (the version contains "SuperCard")then return SCTop()else return (top of cd window)end CardTopfunction SCTopreturn (top of window)end SCTopon hideAlllsrepeat with i=2 to (number of cd flds)hide cd fld iend repeatrepeat with j=2 to (number of btns)hide btn jend repeatulsend hideAll----on wmcwait while the mouseclickend wmcon lslock screenend lson uls xif (x="") then unlock screenelse unlock screen with xend ulson cLr1tginfo falsetghelp falsetgpix falseend cLr1on svcf x,yset visible of cd fld id x to yend svcfon svcb x,yset visible of btn id x to yend svcbfunction vcf xreturn (visible of cd fld id x)end vcffunction vcb xreturn (visible of btn id x)end vcb</script>